Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycle accidents are among the most devastating of all auto accidents. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycle riders are 27 times more likely to die in an accident than automobile drivers and riders (NHTSA).

Motorcycles do not have the same level of protection for drivers, which often results in catastrophic injuries for the motorcyclist and passengers. When motorcycle accidents involve cars or trucks, the results are even worse.
At Muhareb Law Group, we understand that California is a beautiful place to ride a motorcycle. Sadly, we also know that even the most conscientious motorcyclist can fall victim to an accident in the blink of an eye. We have helped motorcycle accident victims with claims related to:

When drivers are careless and cause motorcycle accidents, they should be held accountable.

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Contact us today to find out how we can help you maximize compensation so your family can heal and move forward. At Muhareb Law Group, we do not require any money upfront, so you have no obligation. If we do not obtain a verdict or settlement for you, you owe us nothing.

Get Help after a
Motorcycle Accident

If you or a loved one are injured due to a motorcycle accident, your family may be facing a great deal of hardship and financial strain. It is important that you know that an insurance claim may not be your only option to recover your losses.

At Muhareb Law Group, our motorcycle accident legal team can help you build a personal injury claim against a negligent driver. A successfully litigated personal injury claim can help you recover more than just property damage and minimal medical care. It can help you recover your life. We have successfully obtained compensation for:

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Do you have a case?

Contact our office today, or fill out the form and one of our legal team members will call you to tell you if you are eligible for compensation.

Great lawyers
with great results

Mohammad Muhareb is a personal injury lawyer who handles cases involving a car, motorcycle and pedestrian accidents, slip and fall claims, and wrongful death claims. He has experience working with multi-billion dollar insurance companies throughout the country and is not afraid to use that experience to help personal injury clients get justice.


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